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Pyramids Of Glass Submerged In The Bermuda Triangle.

Located 3 meters under the sea, in the Bermuda Triangle, Dr. Meyer Verlag found these giant crystal pyramids that are astonishingly three times larger than the Cheops pyramid in

The technology used is not known to modern science, and the possibilities of what more may be discovered using the same technology might be shocking.
Some scientists believe that an earthquake caused the pyramids to slide to the bottom of the ocean, while other scientists believe that the pyramids served as a supply warehouse for the people of Atlantis.

If delved into deeper, these pyramids could be actual proof that Atlantis did exist and could answer the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

There are several Western scholars who argue that the pyramid on the seabed may have been initially made on the mainland, after which a devastating earthquake struck and changed the landscape completely. Other scientists argue that a few hundred years ago the waters of the Bermuda Triangle area may have as one of the cornerstone activities of the people of Atlantis, and Pyramids on the sea floor may be a supply warehouse for them. Perhaps it is related to the underwater race of humanoids discovered in Washington State.

A more detailed study over time will give results that are difficult to imagine. Scientists have processed all of the data and concluded that the surface is perfectly smooth for it to look like glass or ice. This news was sensational, and was discussed at a conference in Florida and even reported to local Florida newspapers.. The journalists present in it, have a lot of pictures and high resolution computerised data, which show three-dimensional pyramids perfectly smooth, without being covered with a surface free of debris or algae or cracks.

There is also a suspicion that the Bermuda triangle and the area where this pyramid was supposedly located may be some sort of "holy grounds" that is being protected by the fabled Atlanteans - that whatever crosses over the location is considered an offering... Others hypothesize that the pyramid can attract and collect cosmic rays, from the so called "energy field" or "quantum vacuum"  and that this may have been used as an Atlantean power plant (or whoever was around at the time). With the mystery still surrounding the Egyptian pyramids and the fact that the pyramidal structures seems to be found in almost all ancient cultures - its going to be hard to tell for certain the origin of this structure or if it truly exists.

The massive size and secrets held within will take a while to decipher, but it could unlock the Bermuda Triangle and the real story of Atlantis.

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