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Tensions mount has soldiers takes over 30 States.

In a bid to curb insecurity in the country, The high command of the military has deployed troops to 30 states of the federation, in order to curb insecurity in the country, a
development that has however, led to tension in some communities.

Sources told Guardian Newspaper that the deployment is a presidential order, given to the leadership of the Armed Forces and other security agencies in the country, to the effect that the threats posed by the various security concerns in different parts of the country require proactive response if they are to be curtailed.

“The directive is that we should nip every such threat in the bud, especially those with the potential to escalate to become a national embarrassment, like the Boko Haram experience has become. If it were decisively nipped in the bud, we would not have been where we are today,” a source said.

Now, the presence of the soldiers has created palpable fear in some parts of the country, as soldiers were seen disembarking from Trucks in their numbers and taking up strategic positions, without a formal warning to the inhabitants.

Yesterday morning in Katsina Ala area, more than 15 trucks, load of Soldiers were seen coming down, taking up positions, disrupting social gatherings and business activities, as people scurried away for safety.

Source: Guardian newspaper

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