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10 Signs He’s In Love With You But Scared To Admit.

Are you seeing signs that a guy’s into you, but he won’t say it out loud?

Trying to figure out if a guy likes you can be a frustrating experience. Sometimes, guys just make it really difficult to tell. They may do things like throw you mixed signals, or just simply not reveal how they are feeling about you. How annoying!
Wouldn’t it be easier if you could just tell somehow if a guy likes you, like you can tell if a guy is single on Facebook by looking at his relationship status?

Well, even though that technology doesn’t exist yet, there are certain signs that men can give away, which can tell you that he likes you even if he doesn’t admit it. Learning these signs and how to read them can help you figure out if the man you are interested in is interested in you too. Isn’t that great?

This can save you some trouble when you are working yourself into a sweat, trying to get to the bottom of it. So, what are the signs that clearly show that he likes you, but is too scared to admit it?

#1 He smiles a lot when you talk to him.

If he is smiling a lot more than the average person does when you talk to him, there is a solid chance that he likes you. The mere sight of you might be making him happy and he might be having a hard time containing it.

You might be wondering why he doesn’t just tell you he likes you if he is having such a hard time containing it. But he is probably worried that you might not like him back, that’s why he is hesitating.

#2 He is fidgeting nervously.

Classic fidgets include twiddling his thumbs, tapping his leg and eyes that shift everywhere except to your eyes. At first, you may think he’s just acting weird but you may realize that he’s just so nervous when you’re around, because he doesn’t want to do anything that you’d disapprove of.

When a guy suddenly has these quirks when you’re around, try your best not to draw attention to him. He’s already nervous enough as it is, and he’ll be even more conscious if you let him know that you can see his jerky movements.
#3 He’s sweating while he talks to you.

This goes hand in hand with fidgeting. Sometimes, instead of fidgeting, you can see his nervousness manifest as a shining sheen of sweat on his forehead. Unless it’s inordinately hot while you’re talking, you can take this as a sign that he’s attracted to you.

#4 He laughs at all your jokes.

Everyone has a bunch of corny jokes that no one would probably laugh at but it’s a dead giveaway sign that a guy likes you if he laughs at all your lame jokes and eats up everything you say at the drop of a hat.

#5 He is giving you compliments.

Compliments are oftentimes another giveaway sign that he likes you. If he is taking the time to point out that he likes your bag, or your hair, or your skirt, he could either be a stylist in the works or he might be really into you, but is too scared to say it.

Also, going up to a girl and just saying “I like you” is really direct. Guys probably assume that it would creep you out and so, they gradually build up the approach.

#6 He buys you a drink.

If the guy you are talking to at a bar buys you a drink, there is a good chance that he likes you, or at the very least, is interested in you. Guys don’t want to spend their hard-earned money on just anybody, unless he’s just doing that to get you drunk enough to go home with him. But if he’s buying you drinks and still acting like a perfect gentleman afterwards, you can be sure he’s into you.

#7 He always opens the door for you.

Opening the door for you is just another classic move that guys will pull for girls that they like though some guys are chivalrous around all women. Chivalry, after all, isn’t dead. It is a way to be a gentleman and just show the girl that she is special. Gentlemanly acts like these are a great way to show you that he likes you since there’s no way you’d reject a polite gesture.

#8 He makes jokes about liking you.

Making jokes about liking you may be a way of him expressing his feelings in a way that can be laughed off when things don’t go well. He may not be ready to tell you how he feels yet, so he jokes about it. After all, some jokes are half-meant.

#9 He constantly picks up your tab.

The mere fact that a guy spends money on you would be enough to tell you that he is somewhat interested in you. Though there are some guys who are just extremely generous, having a guy pick up your tab repeatedly is a clear sign that he’s really into you… Unless, of course, it was you who insisted that he picks up your tab

#10 He is always willing to listen to you talk about your problems.

Despite what you may think, guys don’t always enjoy listening to girls discuss their latest fall out with their friends or similar problems. But a guy who likes you will hang on to your every word, and he might even give a little bit of feedback. It takes a certain kind of patience to do that for a girl, and he may only do that for someone he genuinely likes.

Men can be complicated. Sometimes they really like a girl but are too afraid to show it. It may be because they are insecure, they don’t know if the girl will like them back, or perhaps they just aren’t ready to take that step. But for girls, trying to read a man’s emotions can sometimes be like trying to crack a riddle.

Although this can be frustrating for girls, checking for signs that he likes you is just a part of the game of dating. Even if he isn’t displaying all or some of these signs, he still may like you and is just very shy. After all, some guys are so guarded with their feelings that they won’t allow even one slip-up to reveal their real feelings and intentions.

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